Saturday, May 22, 2010

Family and Foliage and Some Other Stuff

Well, it's been a while. It really has been crazy around here for the last couple weeks. Work has been super busy, we've been running around after work and on the weekends trying to soak up as much sun as possible, and there's the kids to contend with! The Prince has really started becoming a little boy. He's no longer a baby. I'm not sure when this happened since yesterday he was a surly young lad of 1 right?! He comes up with the funniest things to say, it's truly a sign that he is becoming his own person and getting his own sense of humor. Here are a few of his gems...

"I'm hungry for a crocodile, but not a live one."

"We'll see about getting a kiddie pool this summer."
"Mommy, I don't want to swim in a pool with the cats."

"I don't have to listen, I'm the Daddy, you have to listen to me."
"Daddy, pretend I'm the Daddy."

Some of these have some really good logic to them! I'm not sure when babies turn into kids. Perhaps it's when they potty train, or when they learn to form sentences and can carry a conversation. Personally, I judge this transition when they no longer have dimples for knuckles. That's when you know that their baby fat is gone and they are officially a "big kid." (This makes me sad!)

The SweetPea is growing as fast as our seedlings! This amazes me since I feel like I just gave birth a week ago, it's actually been about 5 months. She's rolling everywhere and can almost sit up on her own. Occasionally she busts out these absolutely wonderful belly laughs. It's not really predictable since the thing that makes her laugh one day doesn't do the trick the next. I can see her eyes saying "yeah, I've seen that already...come back when you have something original." (I guess she's already sassy!) When she starts laughing, it's truly contagious. You just can't help but laugh right along with her.

Work has been pretty hectic, but fun. We had our staff meeting a week ago and we went to the new Target Field to see a Twins game for our evening event! Somehow, I completely lucked out and ended up in the Champion Club seats which are a special private area that has it's own catering, wait staff, and warmed blankets when the weather gets cool. Yes, they are actually warmed up and brought out to you! The drinks and food was all complimentary and we were closer to the catcher than the pitcher is! If you can't tell, I was pretty stoked. Here are some pics...these were taken with my cell phone!
A double rainbow over the new stadium and the Minneapolis skyline!
Ah yes, it also had VALET parking!The view of the field from our seats!The awesome Twins sign with Minne and Paul!

Now I'm off to build me some raised beds! My seedlings are taking off great and they really need to get in the ground. I ultimately decided to plant broccoli, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, spinach, and green beans. I've also planted an herb garden with dill, parsley, chives, and catnip...a treat for the furry family members! We'll be building a 12x2 garden (long and narrow) so that I can access all of it from one side. We also have to building a chicken wire fence around everything to keep the critters out. I've started harvesting my pepper seeds for pepper spray to keep the bugs and bunnies from eating the leaves...I guess I'm ready! Let's just hope that the seedlings can withstand the shock of being planted outside.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Renewed Inspiration

Inspiration can truly come at the weirdest times. I'm currently watching Robots with my son and there is scene where the father robot is talking to his son and says something about if he had it to do over he would follow his dream. He tells the son to go the Robot City and never, never give up. Well, my dream back in high school was to move to a big city and be a CEO of a fortune 500 company.
I can tell you that I've already accomplished a part of my dream. I've moved to a big city (St. Paul) from a teeny tiny town in Montana. The mere fact that I could name every single person in my whole HIGH SCHOOL proves how small it was. Now, I live in a metropolitan area and while I enjoy getting away from the hustle, I also truly enjoy living in a place where I can get Chinese food at 2 a.m. I can go to a major concert, see an orchestra, visit a museum, and watch an IMAX movie all in one day. I also work in a fortune 200 company. I may never be the CEO since my priorities have definitely changed, but I could still be a director or manager which will suit me just fine.
Lately I've been a lot mixed up as far as what I want out of life. I'm usually pretty torn between being a corporate mom or a house wife. While I LOVE my kids and cherish every single second I get to spend with them, I don't think that I need to completely sacrifice my original dreams. I feel like there is plenty of room for a decent job and a great family life. I'm sure that I may change my tune in a few days as I'm still riding that hormonal roller coaster that is having a baby. I feel like I should "never, never give up". It may take me longer than I had originally planned, but I also have two beautiful children that I hadn't planned on either. The important thing is that keep following my dreams, even if they continue to change!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Peeks and Valleys

I know, I spelled "Peeks" the way I wanted. I want to start blogging more often so now I'm going to try and do a weekly blog with a peek into my family and work life and, to suffice my ranting tendencies, some valleys that I experience.

We've started our seedlings! We have tiny little plant buds awaiting our transplant. It's still about 3-4 weeks from our "last frost" date so it they will have a lot of time to become good, solid plants! The Prince is so excited each day when he sees the little green buds popping out of the dirt. He was instrumental in helping with the planting process. By "instrumental" I mean, he basically shuffled the dirt from the bag to the table and a little bit of it landed in the pots!
The SweetPea is growing like crazy! She can stand if you hold her, she rolls from front to back and back to front, AND she smiles, coos, and babbles as much as she can. I love her so much, it's silly to think that I once wasn't sure how she would fit into our family. She also had her first taste of solid foods about a week ago! Note to mom: I do not like rice cereal!
It's Administrative Professionals Day today. I received numerous thank yous, a beautiful fragrant bouquet of flowers, and a few cards! It's nice to know that I'm appreciated.

The Husband is off again this evening and I feel like a single mother lately! He goes to class until 9 p.m. two nights a week and he's now off on another school related "project". I just hope he makes some good contacts as his graduation date looms with not a lot of job prospects!
It's Administrative Professionals Day today. I don't particularly like the idea that all my co-workers think of me as an "admin". I personally think that this day should be renamed to "Employee Appreciation Day" it would be all encompassing and it wouldn't insult people that don't view themselves as a secretary. 'Cause let's face it, an Administrative Assistant is really just the new name for secretary.

It must be a good week so far...I have more peaks than valleys!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On the Fence...

I was still on the fence about starting a garden until last night. We received a couple of those tiny pots with seeds to plant yourself for Easter and last night the Prince and I did a "project". Basically you get the little pellet of dirt wet and then plant 4-5 seeds and wait for them to grow. The Prince was so excited about the prospect of something growing that he had to check them about ten times before bed. So...I'm going for it!! This weekend I'm planning to start some more seedlings and keep them in our sun filled porch until late May. I guess our last freeze is approximately May 21st so I'm about 6 weeks out to start some of my seedlings.

I am a complete newbie regarding this stuff! I have a bunch of seed packets that I picked up at my company's annual meeting (for free!) and I hope that they are still good. The Husband is going to make me some raised beds with all the leftover building material in our garage (free again!) and I just got an email this morning about some organic compost that I can purchase for "dirt" cheap (yeah, I went there) and it will be delivered right to my work. It all seems fortuitous so I guess it was meant to be. Now I just need to pick up some enriched soil and start a'plantin'!

I found this great tool at the Gardener's Supply Company website and here's what I have picked out so far...
This is the map for my 3 foot by 6 foot by 10 inches raised bed garden. This tool also gives you a step by step instruction guide on the best way to plant each type of vegetable that you choose - essential when talking to a black thumbed newbie! This is pretty ambitious for me so I am going to reserve the right to scale back slightly!!

Basically I chose vegetables that I like and I know my family will eat and are simple to grow. I figure the more leeway I give myself the better! I also want to try my hand at canning pickles (hence the cucumbers and dill). I have no idea if these veges will grow well together or if they will strangle each other out, but it's all worth a shot right? Again, this is my first attempt at this so I think as long as I get the plant to grow out of the dirt I'll consider it a success!

I'll also need to fence the entire thing in like Fort Knox. I'm hoping that chicken wire can keep all the animals out and my friend and fellow blogger gave me the idea of using a pepper spray to keep the insects from having their fill. You literally use pepper flakes and water and spray the leaves of the plant. She actually saves the pepper seeds that you would normally throw away while cooking and makes her own from scratch! I'm hoping to score some chicken wire for free too (Craig's List here I come!)

By posting this for the world to see I'm hoping it will keep me honest and actually DO this project. Not just for my son but for me and my whole family. If this whole garden thing works out my next project will be to start my own compost. I guess we all need to start being more green, eh?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

To Garden or Not to Garden

I've been toying with the idea of starting a garden. I LOVE fresh vegetables and fruit and I LOVE the idea of having them right outside my door for pennies on the dollar. Despite my apprehension about all the work that it will entail, I find something completely succinct about cooking dinner and having vegetables right there for the taking. However, I tend to have what most would call a Black Thumb. Basically my house is where plants go to die. Bamboo, a cactus, a spider plant, and a fern, these are just a few of the plants that I've owned and have now succumb to the big nursery in the sky. So, here's my dilemma.

To Plant:
  • I love fresh vegetables and fruit.
  • I want to teach my kids how to be responsible for their own livelihood and not to HAVE to depend on someone else to get their nutrients.
  • I want my children to know what good, organic food tastes like.
  • My father always had a garden and I can remember just going and picking a carrot, washing it off with the hose and eating right there for an afternoon snack. I want this for my kids too!
  • I want to get all of my gardening cataclysm's out of the way before my kids can remember!
  • It seems to be "en vogue" lately so there is a ton of really neat stuff available!
  • Spending money on items that I know I could get for much cheaper makes me very angry.
  • I would enjoy having a reason to go outside and spend time with my kids.
  • It would be nice to start a compost pile and have less garbage!

Not to Plant

  • It seems like A LOT of work.
  • I'd have to pull weeds and get dirty with the spiders and other creepy crawlies!
  • I'd have to build raised beds 'cause ain't no way am I eating anything out of the ground where I live! I live in the Saint Paul proper and I'm pretty sure our dirt glows green sometimes.
  • We currently rent a house and I hate to put all the work and money into someone else's property - especially since I won't be able to take it with me!
  • We have an abundance of wild life in our neighborhood. You know, stray cats, birds, squirrels, rabbits, and I swear I saw an opossum awhile ago. I don't want to create a shmorgus board for them! Therefore I would have to build friggin' Fort Knox just to keep them away and I'm not great with mason work.
  • I probably wouldn't have time to do much of it during the week and therefore I would get frustrated with all the work for the weekends and then it would just get can see what is now a vicious circle in my life!
  • Would it just be worth my time and effort to go to the Farmers Market and pick up fresh vegetables for the week? Of course this opens up the whole debacle of waking up early enough to get there in time for all the good stuff. Me+waking early on a Saturday=Cranky Momma!

You can see I have quite the conundrum! Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Also, any good ideas on how to do a container garden that is portable (say when we finally scrounge up enough moolah for a down payment!)

Thanks for reading and Happy Spring!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Why is the Grass Greener?

Oh how I wish I could be doing something else.
I sort of feel like that is how my entire life is spent. I guess you could say that I'm a "grass is greener" type of personality. I always feel like something else would be WAY better than what I have right now. I'm always wishing the present away. With one GIGANTIC family (I wish my kids would stay babies forever!!!)
Even right now.
I have been feeling pretty bummed lately that I have to go to work every weekday. After the arrival of SweetPea and my proceeding 9 week long maternity leave, I just never really got back into work mode. I used to feel important at work and longed for those adult conversations. I enjoyed putting in the extra hours because I was building my resume, right? I was told a few weeks ago, yet again, that a promotion just isn't in the cards this year "but we know that you make great contributions and are such a valued employee" - yeah, so valued you can't seem to find it in the budget to keep me around.
A really BIG part of me wants to say "the heck with it all, I'm going to be a stay-at-home mama." But that small (and responsible) other part of me likes having food on the table and clothing and not being turned over to collections when I can't pay my credit card bill. We are a one income household as of right now and I'm making the bacon and fryin' it too.
Today my "grass is greener" moment came when I was talking to one of my work friends. We were chatting about this and that and I heard myself say that I wouldn't mind moving to a different city if the husband could get a job there. I heard myself say that, and I felt a pull on my roots. Just a tiny tug then, but now as the day has gone by I'm feeling a much harder yank.
I want to go somewhere different! I also realized that this is the longest town I've lived in during my adult life, and the house that I live in now has been the longest dwelling of mine since I moved from my parents home. Most people would find that comforting and enjoy the fact that they are putting down makes me feel a little claustrophobic! I feel like my time is wasting. If I don't go out and have a good adventure again soon I'm going to be rooted to this ground forever! Granted, this adventure would have to include the kids and husband, but what better companions than the ones I love so dearly?
Now as I write about it, it's definitely another "grass is greener" scenario. Perhaps moving somewhere else would just make some other lawn look brighter. Maybe I need to work on my own landscaping? All I know for sure is that right now, my lawn is looking pretty brown.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Call it Common Courtesy

So, I work in an office building. I am not going to name names since I truly treasure my job (and more importantly my paycheck), but let's just say that my office building alone employees close to 700 people, and at any given time I'm sure there are more than that considering vendors, meetings, etc. that take place in the building. Therefore, a small bit of common courtesy can go a long way. Here's a little lesson from me to you (you know who you are!)
  1. When traversing the stairwell, keep to one side. I like chatting with my friends too, but they can hear me just fine from behind!
    I like to associate well known "road rules" when walking the stairs or hallway. Keep to the right, right of way, yield when approaching a blind intersection, etc. These will keep you from running into someone with a full plate of food, or running someone off the stairs completely because you refuse to step behind your walking partner. {this happened to me this morning, I literally had to walk backwards two steps to get out of this lady's way...grrr.}
  2. Phone calls should be private. I especially get irate when I'm sitting at my desk (read cubicle) and someone is having a conference call on speaker phone with a person sitting two cubes away! It was kind of funny at first since there is a weird echo-ey sound considering I can hear their true voices AND their voices on the phone, but now it's really annoying and rude. I have work to do too ya know!
  3. Another phone lesson...speak softly. When I am on the phone and cannot hear myself or the person that I am talking to because you can't learn to speak at a normal volume it really makes our company look unprofessional. Learn to speak softer.
  4. When you are in the restroom: A) you SHOULD wash your hands. The sanitizer things outside aren't as good as ol' fashioned soap and water. B) if you drip water all over the sink, simply take an extra paper towel and wiped down the counter. It takes two seconds. I realize that there are cleaning people that our company actually employs to do this kind of work, but I'm pretty sure they only clean at night so during the day it's up to us!
  5. The copier/printer. This is a lesson that everyone needs to heed. I know that we have to print some items, sometimes a lot of items. However, if you do feel the need to kill a couple trees and print a 50 page slide show 20 times...REFILL THE PRINTER WITH PAPER! You know you used a lot so just add a few reams and the rest of us won't have to completely stop what we are doing because the printer is out of paper. {side note: the person refilling the paper is most often ME! Either people don't understand what the blinking light is and are completely dumbfounded by the fact that their documents aren't coming out, or they don't know how to add paper and simply just wait for someone else to do it. Either way is rather unacceptable.}
  6. On the other hand...why are you printing that much? Everyone needs to be more conservative so that our company isn't a blight on the environment because we print every email. With technology today you don't need to print things when you can save them electronically.

Okay, okay. I'm off my soap box. However, please try to remember that there are other people here too! I realize that my menial goings-on may not matter as much to you as chatting with your friends side-by-side down the stairs, but it really makes you look like an ass. And after this blog I'll have completely forgotten about it, but you'll still be an ass. I'm just sayin'.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Seize This Day.

There are a select few days in my life that I can look back on and honestly say, "I lived this day to the absolute fullest!" Well, the other day I did just that. The husband and I took to the trusty Envoy and enjoyed an impromptu trip to the North Shore of Lake Superior. We borrowed a really nice camera from my father in law and our mission was to take some great pictures. I think it was a success.

It was a beautiful "spring" day on America's north coast in Minnesota. A balmy 39 degrees. Blue-bird. A powerful day with my husband. I ran...I climbed...leaped....slipped, fell and was caught. I trusted my husband and he trusted me. We worked together and I think we fell in love all over again. It was a nearly perfect day. Next time we'll bring the kids and have a picnic on the beach, then it will be perfect.
We kicked this day's ass.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Procrastination or Time Elimination?

I don't know why I'm always late getting things done for my personal life. I am constantly asked, and am able, to meet deadlines at work with nary a slip-up. However, when it comes to my personal life...things never get done. For the last few months I've been meaning to:
  • clean up my house
  • get the SweetPea's crib up - she's been sleeping in our room for just long enough now
  • mail her birth announcements - finally done today thus the inspiration for my blog!
  • get a certified copy of her birth certificate - luckily I have an inside woman on this one so it shouldn't be too hard once I finally fill out the form
  • find all the rest of my non-maternity clothes
  • organize my closet
  • get my maternity clothes packed away
  • change over the SweetPea's clothes from newborn and 0-3 to 3-6 - she's really growing fast!
  • organize the office so I can do our taxes
  • do our taxes!
  • solve world peace
  • make a million dollars...

The last two may as well be on there considering they are just as likely to be accomplished as the rest of it!

See how long my list has gotten? Where are my little elves that are supposed to swoop in and do all these things for me? Oh, they don't exist? Damn.

You'd think that I could bang out a few of these things over a regular weekend, but no. This last weekend I laid on the couch cuddling with my little girl, napped and watched the Olympics and my favorite TV show on DVD. I justified this because the Prince was off with his Daddy on a boys day, and I hadn't gotten more than two hours of sleep at a time all week. Plus, the Olympics are only on every two years so I HAVE to watch right?

To be honest, I really hit the ground at 60 miles an hour at work. We have two really big events coming up in Feb and March and I've been really busy trying to do all of the items for them. Therefore, when I get home I really don't want to organize an office or play with a drill gun (that's a lie, I would love to play with the drill gun but my husband can never seem to remember to bring it home from his job site!) After work I just want to relax and coo at my daughter, play puzzles with the Prince and hang out with my sweetie. Of course, dinner, bath time, and diapers can never wait. Calgon take me away!!

My issue is how to define my state of mind. Am I procrastinating? I DO plan to get all of these things done at some point. Or is my time eliminated too quickly? Are there just not enough hours in the day? Hmmm, procrastination or time elimination (or perhaps lack of education?!)
I think right now cuddling with the wee one, to me, is more important than doing laundry. Of course, come Monday morning clean laundry really seems like a necessity!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mid-Night Suck-fest

Alas, the little SweetPea has her first cold. I whisked her to the After Hours Care with dread in my heart when she started a very wet, productive cough. A cough for an infant under 4 months is usually not a good sign. Lucky enough she was checked out by the doc and seems to be fine. No fevers or wheezing so we are just waiting it out for now. She can hardly breath out of her nose and sneezing sends her into a coughing fit that usually ends with her gagging. That makes my heart skip a few beats!
Once the ol' ticker returns to a normal rate I really get into her face with the BSD (bulbous-sucker-doohickey) that we swiped from the hospital - I'm sure they don't reuse those things, but I like to think I'm stickin' it to 'em after the bill I received! I named it this after asking a dozen times in one hour for "the blue thingy that sucks the gunk out of her nose that we got at the hospital". BSD is much easier, descriptive and succinct! This thing is truly amazing. I can't imagine how she feels about it (I'm sure it's not a good relationship!) but it helps a lot! I get a weirdly gratifying sensation when a long string of green goop comes out of her nose. {sorry if you happen to be eating while reading this!} She usually cries and whips her head side to side, but when I'm done and she can take a good deep breath she looks at me like "oh, thank you!"
Needless to say I haven't been getting much sleep. I have to suck the gunk out at least two or three times in the middle of the night (usually before she's able to nurse). She sounds like a little piglet rooting for its mother at night, and I've been a very light sleeper. Every movement or sound I hop up and check to make sure that she's still breathing. Once she's a sleep though, she seems to do just fine.
I really feel for her. There's not much you can do for a child that small. At least us adults can take OTC drugs to treat the symptoms and feel better if not for just a few hours during the day. I haven't even tried Tylenol as I'm afraid it might mask a fever (we were told to bring her in "right away" if she develops a fever or gets lethargic). Otherwise it's just a waiting game. If she hasn't gotten any better by Friday morning I'm making an appointment with her doctor again. But for now it's a blur of days and nights living with the BSD, humidifiers, and crumpled up tissues littering every flat surface.
I know that this will not be the last cold she ever gets, but it's certainly one that I'll remember for awhile!!
Stay healthy everyone!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day today.
It's a day for love, laughter, and a healthy dose of family. Yesterday we went to my Auntie-in-laws house and had brunch with the whole extended family. I got to see all my favorite little people and big people. I was also able to share my little SweetPea with a few people who haven't met her yet. It was a lot of fun. My husband turned to me at about 2:30 and said "we have to go". I was ready (you really can only take so much!) But as anyone who's ever tried to leave a family gathering knows, it took a reeeeaaalllly long time. After searching for some toys and a hat, we were finally in the car at about 3:00. My husband then turns to me and hands me a business card with 4:15 written on it. He had bought me a foil and cut at a local spa for Valentine's Day! Just about two weeks ago I had been in a rampage complaining that I never have time to take care of myself and I just want to get my hair cut professionally and pampered a little! Wow...he really listened! Good work honey!!
Today we are settling down for some heart shaped pancakes, and some wonderful coffee with Blue Agave sweetener (its a luxury in our house since we can only find it at Trader Joe's). I'll be cuddling with my kiddies today and the husband is planning to take me to dinner and a movie tonight. He may be sucking up for some reason or another, but for now I'm going to enjoy the heck out of it!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two Months

I can't believe that my SweatPea is two months old today!
It's hard to look back and find where the time went. It seems like just yesterday my mom was here, my house was clean, and I had a brand new baby to look after. These past two months have been so rewarding, crazy, tiring, trying and of course full of firsts. SweatPea's first smile! The first time I left her for more than an hour. My first day back at work. The first time she told me a "story". The Prince's first time giving her kisses. He is a great big brother. I haven't had much time to look retrospectively. With two kids and a full time job, it's hard to even find time to use the restroom (and even then I'm not alone!) As I write this, she is sitting next to me coo-ing up a storm. I am so in love with her. I remember being able to sit and stare into the Prince's eyes, and my SweatPea isn't any different. I can stare at her for hours, of course that is only if she doesn't need to be fed, changed, the Prince is not whining or running around...I love my family.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm still a fan.

I have been many, many things in my life. A daughter, an actress, a basketball/volleyball/softball player, a co-ed, a girlfriend, a bitch, a mother, a co-worker, and a VIKINGS FAN!
Hearts were broken last night as Vikings fans were brought to tears by our beloved team. We lost the NFC Championship game in a wretchedly sad 28-31 overtime loss to the New Orleans Saints. The Saints didn't win, WE LOST.
Some people say it wasn't so bad since it was the Saints...uh, it was pretty frickin' bad in Minnesota! The fumbles, the missed calls, the turnovers, and so on. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it and that really bothered me. Worst of all, the icing on the cake, the creme de la creme...a Favre interception on the last play that SHOULD have been a run, resulting in a field goal and a win for the Vikings. Alas, I am not a NFL coach (though sometimes I think I would do a better job) and I'm not sure what transpired between Brett Favre and Brad Childress.
Some people blame Favre for the interception. Yep, it was a bad call on his part, but in all honesty we wouldn't have even been in that position if it hadn't been for Brett. How many times throughout the course of the season did he lead a charge down field and throw a great pass to win the game? At least two that I can think of off the top of my head.
Some people will blame Childress. As the head coach, he should be held partially responsible but I don't think it was entirely his fault. A lot of Minnesotans will be calling for his resignation. I disagree with that also. Brad Childress has done nothing but grow the Vikings team, building a better season each year he's been head coach. Bringing Brett Favre to Minnesota was a brilliant plan.
I think the whole game was really a perfect storm. We were on the road which is not good for the Vikes. We were playing in an incredibly loud stadium. We were playing at night. The Vikings have only won one night game all season (as big of a Vikings fan that I am, I would gladly give back the win to the Packers to have won last night!) And let's not forget THREE multimillion dollar athletes fumbling the ball. Petersen is known for his lack of holding on to the ball, but to have Berrian and Harvin fumble at key moments in the game plus a HUGE interception from was bad. I'm actually surprised that we didn't lose by more!

Yeah, it sucks that we lost. The game was tight from beginning to end. If the players on the field had looked around and gotten their act together, we wouldn't have been called for 12 men in the huddle resulting in a penalty which put us out of field goal range. I think the pass call at the end of regulation was a poor one, had that gone any other way I'm sure we would have come away with a win. If we had won the coin toss, we probably would have been able to get down within field goal range and win too. If we would have gotten a break on any of the reviewed calls in overtime, I think the swing of the game would have been changed. It all went the Saints' way and that is okay. Some day, SOME DAY it has to go our way! If by chance we can hold on to all our receivers, our running backs, AND Favre stays one more season (or we get another QB of that caliber) we absolutely have a chance to get to the Super Bowl next year. It's just too bad it didn't come together for us this year.
My biggest pet peeve is when people are fair weather fans. Don't take your loyalty away just from one or two bad calls. Getting the shitty end of the stick is part of being a Vikings fan. You never know when it's coming, but you know it will. Unfortunately, it came in the most inopportune time this year.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Deep Thoughts, By Whale With a Why

As my maternity leave draws to a close I have started becoming very introspective.
On one hand...
A large part of me can't wait to get back to work. My job makes me feel important in a respectful way, a way that being a mom cannot suffice. I like having a routine, waking up at the same time, going to the same place every day and having a completely different day each time. I really enjoy fixing problems (in my job that is a daily occurrence) and I like helping people when they need help. I like making money and I often feel like I'm a very large contributor to society. I enjoy working on a computer, seeing adults, and having adult conversations.
On the other hand...
A large part of me wants to stay home with my kids. I want to have play dates with other kids and go to the Children's Museum every day. Being a mom makes me feel loved and accepted in a way that nothing else can. I want to watch them grow and learn, I want to teach them how to cook and bake and how to play duck duck goose (yes it's GOOSE even though we live in Minnesota.) We would dance and play goofy games all day. I want to join the YMCA and go swimming and play gymnastics. I want to be that wonderful house wife that has dinner on the table when my man gets home. The house would be clean and organized, I would have the perfect family.
I will start back at work next week. I will sleep in by accident and have to rush to work. I will go to the same place every day and have the exact same day. I will not always be able to take a shower! I will stay home with my kids on the weekends and my days off and they will have complete meltdowns and throw fits. I will work because I have to. We will go to the museum occasionally and hang out with our friends that have kids. I will work on the computer all day and not want to touch it once I come home. I will have adult conversations and play Castle with blocks all in one day. We may not join the YMCA, but we will have a jungle gym in our living room. I will cook when I can and bake on occasion. My house will be chaotic and messy. I will love it. I will be home. We will be the best family that we can be!
Somehow it will all work out and the only thing I can do is hold on for this wild ride!

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Son The Negotiator

The Prince has become quite the negotiator lately. Everything has a "but..." after it.
"Can I have some marshmallows?"
"Not right now, we're going to have dinner."
"But, I will have just one now and then have dinner."
What?!? Where does he get this stuff?
I am sure that I'm at least partly to blame. I'm always playing the bribe game.
"If you eat all your lunch, we can take a bath later!"
I tried this gem today, "Let's eat lunch and then we can clean up the living room!" (with as much excitement as I could!!)
The Prince replied with, "I will eat lunch and then play with Playdough." Obviously I was going to have to take a different angle!
We recently just spent hours upon hours in the car. He was even negotiating his potty breaks!
"Mommy, I will go potty and then we will watch a movie." I would listen to the same movie over and over again in the car as long as I don't have to listen to whining!
He's really quite good. Even I can't argue with his logic sometimes. I just hope that he can put those wonderful skills to a good use someday!