Monday, February 22, 2010

Procrastination or Time Elimination?

I don't know why I'm always late getting things done for my personal life. I am constantly asked, and am able, to meet deadlines at work with nary a slip-up. However, when it comes to my personal life...things never get done. For the last few months I've been meaning to:
  • clean up my house
  • get the SweetPea's crib up - she's been sleeping in our room for just long enough now
  • mail her birth announcements - finally done today thus the inspiration for my blog!
  • get a certified copy of her birth certificate - luckily I have an inside woman on this one so it shouldn't be too hard once I finally fill out the form
  • find all the rest of my non-maternity clothes
  • organize my closet
  • get my maternity clothes packed away
  • change over the SweetPea's clothes from newborn and 0-3 to 3-6 - she's really growing fast!
  • organize the office so I can do our taxes
  • do our taxes!
  • solve world peace
  • make a million dollars...

The last two may as well be on there considering they are just as likely to be accomplished as the rest of it!

See how long my list has gotten? Where are my little elves that are supposed to swoop in and do all these things for me? Oh, they don't exist? Damn.

You'd think that I could bang out a few of these things over a regular weekend, but no. This last weekend I laid on the couch cuddling with my little girl, napped and watched the Olympics and my favorite TV show on DVD. I justified this because the Prince was off with his Daddy on a boys day, and I hadn't gotten more than two hours of sleep at a time all week. Plus, the Olympics are only on every two years so I HAVE to watch right?

To be honest, I really hit the ground at 60 miles an hour at work. We have two really big events coming up in Feb and March and I've been really busy trying to do all of the items for them. Therefore, when I get home I really don't want to organize an office or play with a drill gun (that's a lie, I would love to play with the drill gun but my husband can never seem to remember to bring it home from his job site!) After work I just want to relax and coo at my daughter, play puzzles with the Prince and hang out with my sweetie. Of course, dinner, bath time, and diapers can never wait. Calgon take me away!!

My issue is how to define my state of mind. Am I procrastinating? I DO plan to get all of these things done at some point. Or is my time eliminated too quickly? Are there just not enough hours in the day? Hmmm, procrastination or time elimination (or perhaps lack of education?!)
I think right now cuddling with the wee one, to me, is more important than doing laundry. Of course, come Monday morning clean laundry really seems like a necessity!

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