Saturday, May 22, 2010

Family and Foliage and Some Other Stuff

Well, it's been a while. It really has been crazy around here for the last couple weeks. Work has been super busy, we've been running around after work and on the weekends trying to soak up as much sun as possible, and there's the kids to contend with! The Prince has really started becoming a little boy. He's no longer a baby. I'm not sure when this happened since yesterday he was a surly young lad of 1 right?! He comes up with the funniest things to say, it's truly a sign that he is becoming his own person and getting his own sense of humor. Here are a few of his gems...

"I'm hungry for a crocodile, but not a live one."

"We'll see about getting a kiddie pool this summer."
"Mommy, I don't want to swim in a pool with the cats."

"I don't have to listen, I'm the Daddy, you have to listen to me."
"Daddy, pretend I'm the Daddy."

Some of these have some really good logic to them! I'm not sure when babies turn into kids. Perhaps it's when they potty train, or when they learn to form sentences and can carry a conversation. Personally, I judge this transition when they no longer have dimples for knuckles. That's when you know that their baby fat is gone and they are officially a "big kid." (This makes me sad!)

The SweetPea is growing as fast as our seedlings! This amazes me since I feel like I just gave birth a week ago, it's actually been about 5 months. She's rolling everywhere and can almost sit up on her own. Occasionally she busts out these absolutely wonderful belly laughs. It's not really predictable since the thing that makes her laugh one day doesn't do the trick the next. I can see her eyes saying "yeah, I've seen that already...come back when you have something original." (I guess she's already sassy!) When she starts laughing, it's truly contagious. You just can't help but laugh right along with her.

Work has been pretty hectic, but fun. We had our staff meeting a week ago and we went to the new Target Field to see a Twins game for our evening event! Somehow, I completely lucked out and ended up in the Champion Club seats which are a special private area that has it's own catering, wait staff, and warmed blankets when the weather gets cool. Yes, they are actually warmed up and brought out to you! The drinks and food was all complimentary and we were closer to the catcher than the pitcher is! If you can't tell, I was pretty stoked. Here are some pics...these were taken with my cell phone!
A double rainbow over the new stadium and the Minneapolis skyline!
Ah yes, it also had VALET parking!The view of the field from our seats!The awesome Twins sign with Minne and Paul!

Now I'm off to build me some raised beds! My seedlings are taking off great and they really need to get in the ground. I ultimately decided to plant broccoli, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, spinach, and green beans. I've also planted an herb garden with dill, parsley, chives, and catnip...a treat for the furry family members! We'll be building a 12x2 garden (long and narrow) so that I can access all of it from one side. We also have to building a chicken wire fence around everything to keep the critters out. I've started harvesting my pepper seeds for pepper spray to keep the bugs and bunnies from eating the leaves...I guess I'm ready! Let's just hope that the seedlings can withstand the shock of being planted outside.

Have a wonderful day!


WishingKristen said...

hmmm...I still have dimples for knuckles. Can't wait to see you and the "sprouts"!

autumndaesy said...

What a couple of cuties! Kids say the funniest things! My hooligans can't wait to rough up thier little cousins! (Who are we kidding, your kids are tougher than mine!!)