Monday, April 26, 2010

Renewed Inspiration

Inspiration can truly come at the weirdest times. I'm currently watching Robots with my son and there is scene where the father robot is talking to his son and says something about if he had it to do over he would follow his dream. He tells the son to go the Robot City and never, never give up. Well, my dream back in high school was to move to a big city and be a CEO of a fortune 500 company.
I can tell you that I've already accomplished a part of my dream. I've moved to a big city (St. Paul) from a teeny tiny town in Montana. The mere fact that I could name every single person in my whole HIGH SCHOOL proves how small it was. Now, I live in a metropolitan area and while I enjoy getting away from the hustle, I also truly enjoy living in a place where I can get Chinese food at 2 a.m. I can go to a major concert, see an orchestra, visit a museum, and watch an IMAX movie all in one day. I also work in a fortune 200 company. I may never be the CEO since my priorities have definitely changed, but I could still be a director or manager which will suit me just fine.
Lately I've been a lot mixed up as far as what I want out of life. I'm usually pretty torn between being a corporate mom or a house wife. While I LOVE my kids and cherish every single second I get to spend with them, I don't think that I need to completely sacrifice my original dreams. I feel like there is plenty of room for a decent job and a great family life. I'm sure that I may change my tune in a few days as I'm still riding that hormonal roller coaster that is having a baby. I feel like I should "never, never give up". It may take me longer than I had originally planned, but I also have two beautiful children that I hadn't planned on either. The important thing is that keep following my dreams, even if they continue to change!

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