Monday, September 22, 2008

Working Rant.

Alright, I'm going to vent about work a little here so if the kids are in the room and of reading age you may not want them to read this, not because there will be swear words (though I'm not going to guarantee) but because they shouldn't pick up bad habits.

Things not to do in the work place.
1. Do not yell over the cubicle at people that sit next to you. Get your lazy ass out of your chair and walk over to ask that person a question. If you are one of those people that don't know how to speak softly or whisper, perhaps you should use email.
2. When you are having a private conversation regarding your personal life at work, you should keep your voice down. I don't care to hear about how your sister is a spoiled brat and how she made you drive all the way out to the mall to pick up your mom and then back down to Shakopee to pick up the dogs. I DON'T CARE! My brain is already full, I don't need to know that your best friend's daughter named their baby Abigail. Since it is utterly useless information it will remain in my head for no less than three weeks!
3. If you have an issue with someone, go tell them or talk it through with them. We are all adults here and we should start acting like it. Do not come and complain to me unless you are willing to back it up. If you need me to boost your confidence then I'm here, but I don't want to hear you gripe about something day in and day out without doing something about it!
4. Don't copy me on an email unless I NEED to know about it. I hate when people copy everyone and their dog on emails for a stupid question. This just makes a chore for me, and it takes me twice as long to clean out my inbox.
5. Don't click REPLY ALL unless you really want everyone to see what you've written and what everyone before you has written. This stems from those people abusing #4. I don't want to get 400 emails regarding the treats that are getting ordered for someones birthday party. I was copied on the first email to be invited and then a string of random emails afterwards comes to me as well. Watch who you email!
6. Be cognizant of what you're doing in your cubicle. If you are moving heavy things and banging around remember that your wall is attached to someone else's and their stuff is flying off the shelves!
7. If you are stepping away from your desk either take your cell phone with you or make sure it's on vibrate. There is nothing worse than listening to someones annoying cellphone ring five times before their voicemail picks up. It's irritating, disrespectful, and just plain lazy!
8. Take notes. If I walk through how to do something then I expect you to retain at least some of the information. If that is a difficult task for you, then take notes. There's nothing more annoying that explaining something to someone 5 times...and then explaining it again!
9. If you don't know who's mail it is...find out! Do not just assume that it's my mail because it has the master mail station on it. There are at least 15 people that use that mail station, why do you put it in my mail box?? I know why, because I have this annoying reputation of actually doing a tiny bit of research to find out where the bill is supposed to go or who the piece of mail is for. Do some research people!!! How do you think I do it?
10. If you are going to tell a story, gather all the people that you think might care and tell the story once. I can't tell you how many storied I've heard 5-6 times because I sit smack dab in the middle of the most popular kids.

Man, I really feel better. Let me know if you have any work woes. I'd be glad to allow you a place to vent as well!!

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