Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Why Allergies?!?

Today I am officially apologizing to my brother and my mom for thinking that you were faking it all these years. I now know all about the allergy haze and the face-erase! That brings me to my first Why question of my blog...

Why don't they make stronger over-the-counter allergy medicine?

I understand the obvious reasons for not making stronger medications over-the-counter (which will probably be another Why blog), but I don't understand why, with all the medical marvels that are in the medical field today, they can't make a stronger pill to alleviate my allergies that isn't included in the recipe for Meth! I don't know what I'm allergic to since I've only recently been afflicted with this monstrosity, but for the love of Pete I don't know why I can't stop the sniffling, scratching, itching, and running of my eyes, nose and throat! I've tried Allegra, Claritin, Benedryl, and Sudafed, only to become desensitized to them all. I'm currently working on my tolerance of Actifed which is now down to about a pill every two hours.

It all started with the conception of my son. "It's because you're pregnant" said the doctor when I told her I have never had any sort of allergy before. Well, I can officially attest that I am not currently prego so what gives??
My mom says it's hormonal. Does that mean that I will have to suffer through this every year until I go through menapause?? Not only do I get to carry and deliver an 8 pound baby (and hopefully more to come), but now I get to suffer through allergies for the next 30 years...great.

So for now, I guess I will be at the whim of mother nature, and not far away from my pills, eye drops, and throat lozenges. I also plan to open a portfolio with Pfizer being at the top of my investments!

I hate to see summer go, but I can't wait for the first freeze!!!


autumndaesy said...

I am having the same problem! But with my "condition" I can't take ANY meds with frequency! (I can take a Claritin, only every once in a while!) I'm not sure how I haven't scrubed my eyes out!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry girls..... it will get better when you're about 50!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry girls..... it will get better when you're about 50!!