Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why not donate??

With the RNC in town I just can't help but post a blog about it! I'm not a huge fan of matching wits when it comes to an individuals political affiliation. I say whatever you believe in, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else, is your business. There are some out there that go way overboard to get their point across. My question is...

Why not donate your money?

Kare11, the Twin Cities NBC affiliate recently ran this story (all I can do is shake my head, I can't believe they even publicized this): There are a couple of people that have rented a jumbo tron to put on the top of a building and show "anti-Republican video and audio messages" (whatever that means). This thing seriously cost them $30,000 just to rent! Not to mention the legal fees and site rentals and I'm sure all the other incidentals it takes to rent and install a jumbo tron! That would be an amazing dollar amount which could have gone towards supporting the troops in Iraq, helping with a food shelf, donating the money to a charity or even donated to the Democratic Party. Check it out if you want, I just can't believe they spent all that money on a protest that hardly anyone even noticed.

Now, I can't say that I'm a Republican or a Democrat. I like to think I fall somewhere in between. So in no way should this post be construed as a commendation to either party. I also want people to know that the Saint Paul police department has been working around the clock to ensure the safety and health of all the delegates, protesters, and citizens of Saint Paul alike. I personally appreciate that since I live only a few miles away from the downtown area.

Overall I haven't been impacted by the RNC being in town, other than the news coverage and a visibly higher police presence I haven't noticed anything a miss. Of course had I been curious or stupid enough to venture downtown this week I might be writing a whole different story!

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