Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 New Year's Resolution

I'm hoping that by putting this in writing that I will keep it. I don't have any truly bad habits, but this New Year's I would like to make a few resolutions.
1. Lose about 30 pounds.
2. Get in good cardiovascular shape. It's embarrassing when walking up a flight of stairs with your co-workers and your out of breath. At least when I was pregnant I had a good excuse!
3. Yell a lot less,
4. Hug a lot more!
5. Get more organized at home (my desk at work looks great!)
6. Clean my house more often!
7. Use less resources (you know, turn off the lights, use less water, etc.)
8. Be more budget conscious.
9. Be more understanding of others.
10. Find a good hobby. Any ideas?

1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

It's too bad that I can't take up cleaning as a hobby. That might be productive.