Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight it really saving my sanity?

As most of us know this weekend was Daylight Savings and we were all suppose to SPRING FORWARD. If you do not know this, then you got quite the surprise when you were an hour early for work this morning!
We set our clocks forward an hour yesterday morning and all day I was completely screwed up. I understand that the reasoning behind this "time savings" is to help with energy. Uh, last I checked in the upper Midwest the sun doesn't really make that big of an affect on the global heat until late April. Even Wikopedia says that most energy saving studies are unsubstantiated.
Benjamin Franklin started this practice to save on lamp oil at night. This was back when people woke up with the sun. Nowadays, I get up at 6:30 AM whether the sun is up or not! I realize that this is only going to last a couple weeks and then the sun will be up that early too. It's just the initial change is hard for a night owl like myself. I can typically get more done between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM than I can between 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM, but that is because my brain is already active and working. Plus my son being in bed is another major factor!
Speaking of my adorable son. He was wide awake last night at 10:00 PM and wide awake this morning at 5:00 AM (to his little internal clock it was 4!!) I'm not sure why he was awake and wouldn't go back to sleep, but since we are currently trying to break his habit of climbing into bed with us, I was awake too! It seemed fruitless to keep fighting with him after a half hour since I was already awake and I wouldn't have time to go back to sleep. So we were all up early this morning.

The most unfortunate thing is that he gets to take a nap this afternoon and I don't! Needless to say I'm not a fan of the Daylight Savings, even it if means I get an extra hour of sleep in the fall. Energy savings be damned.

1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

If only we could reset kids like we reset clocks. Speaking of which, how do you reset clocks? Luckily, I never figured out how to change a couple of them last fall, so they are now right again! Plus, this may seem nit-picky, but I was recently informed by a man on a high horse that it is Daylight-Saving time, not Daylight-SavingS time. I threw a rock at him.