Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm still a fan.

I have been many, many things in my life. A daughter, an actress, a basketball/volleyball/softball player, a co-ed, a girlfriend, a bitch, a mother, a co-worker, and a VIKINGS FAN!
Hearts were broken last night as Vikings fans were brought to tears by our beloved team. We lost the NFC Championship game in a wretchedly sad 28-31 overtime loss to the New Orleans Saints. The Saints didn't win, WE LOST.
Some people say it wasn't so bad since it was the Saints...uh, it was pretty frickin' bad in Minnesota! The fumbles, the missed calls, the turnovers, and so on. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it and that really bothered me. Worst of all, the icing on the cake, the creme de la creme...a Favre interception on the last play that SHOULD have been a run, resulting in a field goal and a win for the Vikings. Alas, I am not a NFL coach (though sometimes I think I would do a better job) and I'm not sure what transpired between Brett Favre and Brad Childress.
Some people blame Favre for the interception. Yep, it was a bad call on his part, but in all honesty we wouldn't have even been in that position if it hadn't been for Brett. How many times throughout the course of the season did he lead a charge down field and throw a great pass to win the game? At least two that I can think of off the top of my head.
Some people will blame Childress. As the head coach, he should be held partially responsible but I don't think it was entirely his fault. A lot of Minnesotans will be calling for his resignation. I disagree with that also. Brad Childress has done nothing but grow the Vikings team, building a better season each year he's been head coach. Bringing Brett Favre to Minnesota was a brilliant plan.
I think the whole game was really a perfect storm. We were on the road which is not good for the Vikes. We were playing in an incredibly loud stadium. We were playing at night. The Vikings have only won one night game all season (as big of a Vikings fan that I am, I would gladly give back the win to the Packers to have won last night!) And let's not forget THREE multimillion dollar athletes fumbling the ball. Petersen is known for his lack of holding on to the ball, but to have Berrian and Harvin fumble at key moments in the game plus a HUGE interception from was bad. I'm actually surprised that we didn't lose by more!

Yeah, it sucks that we lost. The game was tight from beginning to end. If the players on the field had looked around and gotten their act together, we wouldn't have been called for 12 men in the huddle resulting in a penalty which put us out of field goal range. I think the pass call at the end of regulation was a poor one, had that gone any other way I'm sure we would have come away with a win. If we had won the coin toss, we probably would have been able to get down within field goal range and win too. If we would have gotten a break on any of the reviewed calls in overtime, I think the swing of the game would have been changed. It all went the Saints' way and that is okay. Some day, SOME DAY it has to go our way! If by chance we can hold on to all our receivers, our running backs, AND Favre stays one more season (or we get another QB of that caliber) we absolutely have a chance to get to the Super Bowl next year. It's just too bad it didn't come together for us this year.
My biggest pet peeve is when people are fair weather fans. Don't take your loyalty away just from one or two bad calls. Getting the shitty end of the stick is part of being a Vikings fan. You never know when it's coming, but you know it will. Unfortunately, it came in the most inopportune time this year.


1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

Not to mention the Saint's touchdown that was a yard short early on. All calls aside, the Vikings were the best team in the league...but they were not the best team on Sunday. And that's what counts. I'm a fan when they suck, and I'll continue to be a fan...even when they win. (And anyone who says that a QB is just one of 11 guys, a tour guide is only one of 11 guys in a tour group of 10. Some people are just better leaders. Without a "good" QB it's just helmets bashing together.)