Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vacation's Over...

Top 10 reasons why no one wants to go back to work.

10. No one wants to go through 250 emails in one morning.

9. You have to explain your trip over and over and even your best story starts to sound pretty lame.

8. You have to unpack.

7. Those people that never knew you were gone get mad because you didn't return their email - even after you pointed out that the "Out of Office Assistant" was on and they must have received a notification.

6. You can't wear a bikini, flipflops and a ponytail to the office.

5. Your suntan starts to wear off.

4. You can't remember what you were doing before you left!

3. You cleaned your desk before you left to suck up to the boss and now you can't find anything!

2. Everything seems REALLY urgent to everyone else, but you're still in vacation/free spirit mode.

1. You can no longer have a drink with least not without getting fired!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Our family celebrates this day every year without fail. With last names like ours, it's hard not to! The tradition that has rang throughout the years has always been corned beef and cabbage. My sister's family usually watches the Quiet Man, but we prefer the Boondocks Saints. Both are great Irish movies! I also have made Irish Soda Bread with Irish Whiskey butter (much better the second day) and other variations of Irish cuisine. As always, you have to have a green beer. My mom used to make our lunches on this day and everything would be tinted green, from the peanut butter on the sandwich, to the green jell-o, to green Kol-aid. What a great holiday!

I found a few myths and legends that they had listed at the MSN wesbite. I've picked out a few that I thought were pretty interesting.

  • In Ireland, the potato crop was traditionally planted after March 17th.

  • Blue, not green, is the color originally associated with Saint Patrick. “St Patrick’s Blue” is used on Ireland's Presidential Standard or flag, while the Irish Guards sport a plume of St Patrick’s blue in their bearskins. The emphasis on green is thought to be linked to “wearing the Green”, a symbol from the 18th century on, of sympathy with Irish independence.

  • According to legend, on the day of Judgement, while Christ judges all other nations, St Patrick will be the judge of the Irish. - What happens if you are part Irish and part German?!?

  • As we all know - Since 1962, tons of green dye are tipped on St Patrick’s Day into the Chicago river, although the quantity has reduced, for environmental reasons, from 100 to 40. - Let's just hope it's biodegradable or the fish might look like Blinky on the Simpson's!
Whether you're looking for your Pot O' Gold or enjoying a green beer, St. Patrick's day is a great day of traditions and fun. You better be wearing green or the leprechauns will pinch you! Most importantly, everyone is a little Irish on March 17th!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight it really saving my sanity?

As most of us know this weekend was Daylight Savings and we were all suppose to SPRING FORWARD. If you do not know this, then you got quite the surprise when you were an hour early for work this morning!
We set our clocks forward an hour yesterday morning and all day I was completely screwed up. I understand that the reasoning behind this "time savings" is to help with energy. Uh, last I checked in the upper Midwest the sun doesn't really make that big of an affect on the global heat until late April. Even Wikopedia says that most energy saving studies are unsubstantiated.
Benjamin Franklin started this practice to save on lamp oil at night. This was back when people woke up with the sun. Nowadays, I get up at 6:30 AM whether the sun is up or not! I realize that this is only going to last a couple weeks and then the sun will be up that early too. It's just the initial change is hard for a night owl like myself. I can typically get more done between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM than I can between 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM, but that is because my brain is already active and working. Plus my son being in bed is another major factor!
Speaking of my adorable son. He was wide awake last night at 10:00 PM and wide awake this morning at 5:00 AM (to his little internal clock it was 4!!) I'm not sure why he was awake and wouldn't go back to sleep, but since we are currently trying to break his habit of climbing into bed with us, I was awake too! It seemed fruitless to keep fighting with him after a half hour since I was already awake and I wouldn't have time to go back to sleep. So we were all up early this morning.

The most unfortunate thing is that he gets to take a nap this afternoon and I don't! Needless to say I'm not a fan of the Daylight Savings, even it if means I get an extra hour of sleep in the fall. Energy savings be damned.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!

I love, love, love Dr. Suess!!
How amazing can one writer be that his books can span generations of readers! One of my favorite includes Green Eggs and Ham which was written on a wager. Dr. Suess' publisher bet him $50 that he could not write a book with only 50 words and so he did! The 50 words are:
a, am, and, anywhere, are, be, boat, box, car, could, dark, do, eat, eggs, fox, goat, good, green, ham, here, house, I, if, in, let, like, may, me, mouse, not, on, or, rain, Sam, say, see, so, thank, that, the, them, there, they, train, tree, try, will, with, would, and you.
Green Eggs and Ham was published in 1960 and became the fourth best selling English-language children's' hardcover books of all time. In 1999, the National Education Association conducted an online survey of children and teachers, seeking the 100 most popular children's books. On both the children's and the teachers' lists, Green Eggs and Ham was ranked third, just above another Dr. Seuss book, The Cat in the Hat.
I'm not too particular to the recent live film adaptations of Dr. Suess' work (particularly the Cat in the Hat with Mike Meyers and The Grinch with Jim Carrey - just creepy!) I personally think that Suess' characters were never meant to be live, thus the creep factor. Horton Hears a Who is an all animation adaptation and is one of my son's favorite movies!

Oh Dr. Suess an ode to you, if I may
You are such an inspiration for children today.
So many stories of yours to read
The fantabulous characters are there indeed.
Green Eggs and Ham and the Cat in the Hat
Just two of my favorites to read as I sat
The Grinch and the Berenstein Bears are grand
I'll never forget Brother Bobby's Banjo Bagpipe Bugle Band!
The Zizzerzizzer Zat and Wombigglefords
Just a couple of new Dr. Suess created words
I've extended some people their knowledge of you
I hope it's reached just a few more than a few
March 2nd is your 105th birthday, I say
Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess, Happy Birthday today!