Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Holy Floating Bananas Batman!

I would like to draw your attention to the small box at the bottom of my blog. Go ahead, I'll wait for you to scroll down.

This box is a feed of simple and otherwise less known facts from history that are associated with the day's date. Forty-two years ago today (January 27th) the "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies" now known as the "Outer Space Treaty" (whew, I'm glad they shortened it. I ran out of breath just reading it!) This treaty was opened for signature to the US, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union - that's Russia for all my younger readers - on January 27th, 1967.
When I first read this my initial reaction was "hey, I'm glad no one can take over the moon and point nucs at the US!" As I thought a little more I became almost disappointed that Marvin the Martian can no longer create his huge telescope looking devise and point it towards Earth. What will Bugs do now? I guess he will just have to keep bugging Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam. My THIRD thought was a little more nerdy than I would like. I'm wondering if this treaty is the start of all the treaties they talk about in Star Wars? Like, the words of the Outer Space Treaty will be etched into some super galactic stone, and they will write books that will be passed down from generation to generation...the ramifications of this treaty could spawn a intergalactic war someday!

The best part about this treaty is those that test it's strength. A Canadian artist Cesar Saez is planning to float a giant helium-filled banana over Texas in 2008...
I can't make this stuff up.
Apparently the Canadian and Quebec Arts Councils support this with a straight face.
Here's a few links to see for yourself how odd and extraordinarily bored people must be in Canada.



Noting the January 7, 2007 date of this web post, I could not find any substantial evidence that this did or did not actually occur. The website is no help either as most of the pictures are completely worthless. This guy sounds like he's a little obsessed with phallic objects floating over what is a renowned Republican state. Whoever names their kid Cesar is just asking for it anyway.

Well, check out the feed sometimes. It's not always this weird I promise!

1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

We're pretty ballsy to expand the Monroe doctrine to space. Does that mean we can't build condos and stripmalls up there?