Monday, January 26, 2009

Why can't I finish things?

So, my fridgid state has not yet reached above 35 degrees and this weekend was no exception. It was single digit highs and below zero lows, so we stayed home...all weekend long. I started getting stir crazy Sunday afternoon, so I devised a plan to start a homemade blanket. I was planning to use all my t-shirts that I never wear anymore. It seemed for a few years there I was getting a t-shirt for anything I did! I have shirts from concerts I went to, kickball teams I was on, shirts from highshcool, grade school, and college. I have volunteer shirts, sports shirts, and souvenir shirts. They are all going to be made into one useful thing.
The husband was thrilled that I had stopped watching Gilmore Girls and I was cleaning out the plastic tote that housed all of these unused items. I layed them all out. Measured how much of the shirt I was planning on using. I drew up a diagram on some graph paper and I was finally ready! My plan was simple. I was going to have a 2" border around the whole thing (made up of the scraps from the shirts that were cut up) I was planning on using the back of the shirt for the back of the blanket, and all I was going to have to do was sew in a straight line.
I was pondering where to start when I all of the sudden realized that I was going to have to sew in a straigh line for a very LONG time! At this point it was already 5:00 had taken me all day to just think up a plan! Well, now it was time for me to make dinner and then I would have to get my prince cleaned and off to bed soon. I folded up all the t-shirts, placed the already cut ones into a plastic bag, the scraps into another bag, and everything back into the tote.
Hopefully next weekend is just as cold!

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