Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 New Year's Resolution

I'm hoping that by putting this in writing that I will keep it. I don't have any truly bad habits, but this New Year's I would like to make a few resolutions.
1. Lose about 30 pounds.
2. Get in good cardiovascular shape. It's embarrassing when walking up a flight of stairs with your co-workers and your out of breath. At least when I was pregnant I had a good excuse!
3. Yell a lot less,
4. Hug a lot more!
5. Get more organized at home (my desk at work looks great!)
6. Clean my house more often!
7. Use less resources (you know, turn off the lights, use less water, etc.)
8. Be more budget conscious.
9. Be more understanding of others.
10. Find a good hobby. Any ideas?

Monday, December 21, 2009


Natalie Mae.
We proudly welcome our newest bundle of joy. Our nugget was born on December 9, 2009 at 10:11 a.m. She weighed 9 pounds, 7 1/2 ounces and was 21 inches long. Unfortunately for me we had to have another C-Section so my recovery will be longer, but little Natalie did not want to come out and my body did not want to let her! She was worth the 9 days of waiting. She is perfect in every way, she even lets me sleep a solid 3-4 hours at night already. I am completely in love with this little girl! The Prince is enamored by her also. He wants to hold her all the time and enjoys giving her kisses. The husband loves to have her sleep on his chest and cuddle her. In other words, our perfect little Christmas present has arrived. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Trepidation and Preparation

So if this child decides not to join us in the world tonight she will be entering the world sometime tomorrow. I have a scheduled C-Section tomorrow morning, but I'm hoping that we can still do a VBAC if my body allows. Right now I can just hear my inner dialogue,
Body: "uh, you want me to do what?!"
Baby: "you need to contract and dilate so that I can come out."
Body: "where do you think that's going to happen?"
Baby: "right down there!"
Body: "nuh uh, find another way!"
(Yes, everything in my life has it's own monologue.)
So, we've found another way. Unfortunately I have to have a C-Section since the Prince was a one. Apparently there is a high risk for hemorrhaging with an induction and a prior C-Section. I'd rather not have to deal with that so we're going with whatever the doctor suggests. I've been on maternity leave since November 30th, so I'm also preparing for a fight with my employer's insurance company to give me a little more time off (with pay) as well. Otherwise I have been sitting around, wondering if every tiny pinch or kick is finally the start of labor. No luck.

Trepidation: I'm scared of having to deal with another C-Section (scar, pain, soreness, etc.) My recovery the first time was really nice and everything went well, but I now have a three year old home with me and I won't get to nap/rest quite as much as before. I also have some fears of the hospital bills themselves. I remember what the Prince cost and I'm not looking forward to those bills again! Yeah I know, I shouldn't be thinking about that sort of thing right now, but in my life, it's a big factor.

Preparation: I'm making a nice pot roast in the crock pot today (actually my mom's wonderful to have a great mom that comes just to clean and cook for me!). This will be my last non-hospital meal for awhile and hopefully it will last a couple days (freeze the meat tonight!) after we get home. My mom and I (I'm very little help these days) have been cleaning all day and preparing for when I return from the hospital.

I can't wait until I can FINALLY hold this little girl in my arms...and have a glass of wine!