Friday, May 1, 2009


Oh, excuse me. Did I sneeze on you? My bad.
[sound of rushing water]
Oh, I see you are admiring my portable sink...
[squirt, squirt]
and my super industrial strength microbial antibacterial soap.
Yeah, I'm just being cautious about this H1N1 influenza virus.

First of all, I work for an Ag business so calling it the swine flu is really bad for business. Secondly, it must be a slow news week since the H1N1 influenza virus can cause someone to sniffle and it's suddenly world wide news justifying a media news brief that interrupts my regularly scheduled program. Soon we'll all look like the Chinese when SARS came out, walking around with the surgical masks on. I understand the whole idea of not wanting to get any influenza virus let along one originating from a pig, but I think there have been about 6 deaths world-wide reported which pails in comparison to the roughly 35,000 deaths from the regular influenza virus every year. I definitely understand those people with low immune systems should be on high alert. I can imagine that even a cold can turn into a rather big deal when you have no resources to fight it off!
I think if you are planning a flight in the next couple weeks you would really have to weigh your thoughts on how much the trip means to you versus getting sick, but don't you really have to do that anyway? I know every time I get on a plane I feel like crap for a good week afterwards. It's called sharing oxygen with a confined group of people from who knows where carrying who knows what...the convenience of getting somewhere far faster than driving is just worth it sometimes. If you have an immune deficiency you probably shouldn't be traveling like that anyway since even the common cold can be life threatening.

Stop making such a big deal out of this please! Move on the next moderately interesting news story.

Update: So I recently was told that there were some 30,000 people that died of the H1N1 influenza in Mexico. This does not sway my opinion since it's still around the same number for the regular flu and the Mexico health care system isn't anything like the US. I still say people are making way too big a deal!!

1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

There are always flus that kill a bunch of people. This one had the bad luck of coming after an election at a time when everyone was sick to death of hearing about the economic crisis. At least it's something different. (If I hear "Wall street versus Main street one more time I'm going to reach right through the TV screen and strangle someone!) This will just get us by until Angelina adopts another baby or something.