Thursday, May 7, 2009

Did I just say that?

I realize that it's inevitable that we will all turn into our parents at some point in our lives. It just makes spend a certain amount of time with someone, you'll start acting like them eventually. I'm extremely lucky in that I had wonderful parents that brought me up to be an upstanding citizen, I know right from wrong, and I am trying to instill the same morals in my own offspring. Here comes the scary part...
The other night at dinner we were all eating very nicely when my dear prince decided that there was a dinosaur in the kitchen. He has a very vivid imagination and refused to eat anything until something was done about this monstrosity. I reached back into the reserves of my brain thinking that this would be a great opportunity for him to learn how to scare off dinosaurs, demons, ghosts, goblins, and anything else that might scare him all by himself!
"You'll have to roar louder than him and he'll run away!" This was like a green light to a two-year-old. He roared loudly and the dinosaur left the kitchen. Unfortunately, this turned into a really fun game (for him) and dinosaur after dinosaur we had to roar loudly. After about two seconds this got on my nerves and I told him to settle down and eat his dinner. Thus, the tantrum ensues.
"Carrots are good for your eyes!" - something my father told me many times!
"You need to eat so that you can grow up to be a big boy!" - another gem from my folks.
"If you don't sit down and eat your dinner, you're going to bed hungry" - you guessed it.
"There's no crying in my house"
"Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about!"
It was at this point were I started to freak out a bit. You see, this was a famous quote from my dad, and he always meant it! I have to admit that a few of my mommy threats are empty, but this night I was willing to set him in his room and leave him there until morning.

[This reminded of a quote from Friends. Rachel was talking about how she was turning into her father, "I was trying so hard not to turn into my mother, I didn't see this coming!" One of my favs, sorry, I digress. ]

My parents are great and they did (and still do) have quite a few knowledgeable tidbits to pass down. It's just a little scary when they come out of my mouth without me even thinking about it!!

By the way, Happy Mother's Day to my mommy!!

1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

Heeheehee! Sorry, as a fellow denizen of your childhood, I HAVE to laugh at this! I have personally said all of those things, and now I have moved on to these family favorites: "If your friends were jumping off a bridge...etc.", "Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady!", "I'm going to come in this room with a scoop shovel and throw all these toys away!" and the uber popular "Because I said so!"

People wouldn't repeat them if they weren't so dog-gone appropriate!