Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Holy Floating Bananas Batman!

I would like to draw your attention to the small box at the bottom of my blog. Go ahead, I'll wait for you to scroll down.

This box is a feed of simple and otherwise less known facts from history that are associated with the day's date. Forty-two years ago today (January 27th) the "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies" now known as the "Outer Space Treaty" (whew, I'm glad they shortened it. I ran out of breath just reading it!) This treaty was opened for signature to the US, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union - that's Russia for all my younger readers - on January 27th, 1967.
When I first read this my initial reaction was "hey, I'm glad no one can take over the moon and point nucs at the US!" As I thought a little more I became almost disappointed that Marvin the Martian can no longer create his huge telescope looking devise and point it towards Earth. What will Bugs do now? I guess he will just have to keep bugging Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam. My THIRD thought was a little more nerdy than I would like. I'm wondering if this treaty is the start of all the treaties they talk about in Star Wars? Like, the words of the Outer Space Treaty will be etched into some super galactic stone, and they will write books that will be passed down from generation to generation...the ramifications of this treaty could spawn a intergalactic war someday!

The best part about this treaty is those that test it's strength. A Canadian artist Cesar Saez is planning to float a giant helium-filled banana over Texas in 2008...
I can't make this stuff up.
Apparently the Canadian and Quebec Arts Councils support this with a straight face.
Here's a few links to see for yourself how odd and extraordinarily bored people must be in Canada.



Noting the January 7, 2007 date of this web post, I could not find any substantial evidence that this did or did not actually occur. The website is no help either as most of the pictures are completely worthless. This guy sounds like he's a little obsessed with phallic objects floating over what is a renowned Republican state. Whoever names their kid Cesar is just asking for it anyway.

Well, check out the feed sometimes. It's not always this weird I promise!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why can't I finish things?

So, my fridgid state has not yet reached above 35 degrees and this weekend was no exception. It was single digit highs and below zero lows, so we stayed home...all weekend long. I started getting stir crazy Sunday afternoon, so I devised a plan to start a homemade blanket. I was planning to use all my t-shirts that I never wear anymore. It seemed for a few years there I was getting a t-shirt for anything I did! I have shirts from concerts I went to, kickball teams I was on, shirts from highshcool, grade school, and college. I have volunteer shirts, sports shirts, and souvenir shirts. They are all going to be made into one useful thing.
The husband was thrilled that I had stopped watching Gilmore Girls and I was cleaning out the plastic tote that housed all of these unused items. I layed them all out. Measured how much of the shirt I was planning on using. I drew up a diagram on some graph paper and I was finally ready! My plan was simple. I was going to have a 2" border around the whole thing (made up of the scraps from the shirts that were cut up) I was planning on using the back of the shirt for the back of the blanket, and all I was going to have to do was sew in a straight line.
I was pondering where to start when I all of the sudden realized that I was going to have to sew in a straigh line for a very LONG time! At this point it was already 5:00 pm...it had taken me all day to just think up a plan! Well, now it was time for me to make dinner and then I would have to get my prince cleaned and off to bed soon. I folded up all the t-shirts, placed the already cut ones into a plastic bag, the scraps into another bag, and everything back into the tote.
Hopefully next weekend is just as cold!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Why is it so COLD??

The upper Midwest is known for it's unpredictable weather. From tornadoes to heat waves to cold snaps...I just can't wrap my mind around what's going on sometimes!

We are in the middle of a VERY COLD "arctic blast" - is how the weatherman put it. In my book, once it gets below 10 degrees it really doesn't matter what the temp is anymore, it's friggin' cold! Today for instance, we will have a high of -5 degrees...that's right folks, a HIGH of NEGATIVE five degrees!! Can it really be considered a "high" if it is negative? They should just say "the warmest friggin' freezing temperature for today is..."

I'm sorry, when did I move to Antarctica? Actually Antarctica was 7 degrees warmer than here!!

There are so many things I hate about winter (and thus starts my pining for spring!)

  • Dry skin. My hands always bare the brunt of the cold, dry weather. No matter how many times I put on lotion, my hands are always dry and cracked.
  • Rush Hour Traffic. You would not believe how many retarded people come out of the wood work after it snows. It could snow only a half inch and people are still skidding off into the ditch, driving 20 mph on the interstate, slamming on their brakes on bridge decks, and cutting in front of me when I have clearly left only enough room for braking time between me and the car in front of me (that's not a spot for you, it's safety!)
  • Getting into a cold car. I hate having to sit in the parking lot at work freezing my butt off while the car warms up. I've been told by all men and any mechanic that i need to let my car warm up when it is that cold outside...uh what about me?
  • When your eyes water or when you start coughing because the air is so cold. I honestly felt like wearing my ski goggles to work today!
  • When people constantly complain about the weather. It's fun for a good opener to a conversation, but let's leave it at that will ya?
  • People that are going on vacation right now. Inevitably there is always that schmuck at work that is going to Hawaii or Mexico this time of year and can't stop talking about it. Yeah, you're awesome, we get it.
  • Wet puddles of melted snow all over the house. How hard is it to take off your shoes? If you don't like wearing just socks then you should get some slippers. You know who you are!
  • Hats. I hate wearing a hat after I've spent time doing my hair. I would just brush and go, but then you have that one girl at work that always has perfect hair and makes you feel like a slob (she happens to sit right next to me).

Well, I hope that my loyal reader enjoys the weather, because soon we will be complaining about the mosquitoes and the humidity. It never ends!