Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why do people come to work sick?

You know when you are sick, the aching back, the cloudy feeling in your brain, it feels like someone is standing on your chest and squeezing your head.
So my questions is, when you feel that bad...


I am all for companies automatically giving you days off for being sick that don't count towards PTO. Can you imagine the kind of efficiency you could have if only one person took one day off versus 18 people taking 18-20 days off?
As you have probably guessed, I have recently caught the horrible cold that everyone at my office has been sharing. I don't know who it started with, but every day I would hear someone else sniffling and hacking. I vehemently defied the virus with everything I could, but finally, it infiltrated my cloud of disinfectant and hand sanitizer. Damn you cold virus!
So now, I'm the annoying sniffer and I have to put people on hold for my coughing fits. I get the "oh, you sound sick. You poor thing" with every phone call (regardless of whether I even know the person on the other end!) I take my daily regiment of DayQuil and vitamin C. At night have the the Breathe Right nose patches and my lovely, lovely NyQuil (Dennis Leery was so right!)
But couldn't this have been avoided by the first person saying to themselves, "I don't feel good. My job is not that important to where someone wouldn't miss me for one day if I took the day off and prevented the cold virus from contaminating the entire office thus infecting all of my co-workers." No, that first person decided that they needed to get to work and share their lovely germs with all of us.
I guess it's THAT time of year again. Cold and Flu season. Perhaps big corporations can start making that into a holiday to spread the wealth? You could have a gift exchange of decongestants. They could sell cards that when you open them spray you with disinfectant. We could decorate our homes with Kleenex and those silver bubble wrappers that pills come in. We could go door to door and people could hand out Halls lozenges. We could have people dress up like bacteria and sit in malls with kids getting their picture taken with them. This holiday could make up for the lack of holidays in the months of January - March (seriously, we go from Christmas to no time off until Memorial Day!) It's just a thought. With our sagging economy we could just add another gift giving holiday in there and people would eat it up.

Maybe it's just me and my DayQuil talking, but have I gotten my point accross that I hate being sick?

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