Monday, November 23, 2009

Still Waiting...

Just a few words that are on my mind!

Yes, I am still waiting for this tiny little jelly bean (according to my doctor she's not so tiny, but you know) in my tummy to make her worldly appearance! In her defense she technically isn't due until next Monday, but I have always thought that I would deliver on or before Thanksgiving. I'm not afraid of her birthday in years to come, but I am afraid that I will be without my little Prince on a very precious holiday! Unfortunately because of this H1N1 craze the hospital does not allow children under 5 to visit at all! I'm hoping I can convince them that since he has been vaccinated that he is of no harm to anyone and hopefully he can get into the maternity ward after this little girl is born. We'll see. I'll miss my little Prince, but I'm sure I'll be super busy with my new little bundle of joy.

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