Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday update.

I mentioned a few days ago that it was my husband's birthday back on the 14th. I planned to make Pad Thai for dinner that night and bake a blueberry ginger cake for dessert served with cinnamon ice cream. Here's how the rest of the day went down...

4:30 p.m. - I had a pretty crappy afternoon at work so I definitely did not feel like slaving away on a dinner for the next two hours let alone spending about $25 on ingredients I didn't already have on hand. I figured for about the same price we could go to my husband's favorite hole-in-the-wall-totally-skeevy Thai restaurant that surprisingly has great food.

5:30 p.m. - still waiting for the husband to get home from carousing with his cousins.

6:00 p.m. - finally the husband is home and we are off to Grand Ave.

6:15 p.m. - I really should have known better. Grand Ave in Saint Paul is one of those kitchy neighborhoods that used to be a slum and is now all the sudden really hip and cool. We get to the location and Josh says "hmm, they must have changed the name." It did dawn on me that the name changed because the owner changed and it looked really over-the-top hip, but I didn't say anything.

6:25 p.m. - we found a parking lot and successfully navigated the busy street (what with a 2 1/2 year old and pregnant wife that can't run it took some navigating, let me tell you!) We walked into the tiny restaurant and I knew that we were in for a surprise. It was a little warm, but manageable at the time. The hostess asked where we would like to about those tables outside that looked lovely and comfortable in the evening breeze. NOPE, those are reserved. Okay, then why did you ask us where we wanted to sit since the only other table available was right next to the kitchen and bathroom. I asked the hostess how long this establishment had been open, "oh, we've been open forever! I've worked here for at least a year." I guess when you're 18 a year is forever.

6:26 p.m. - we sat down and the Prince thought it was really cool. You see this place was so hip that the tables were placed into holes in a raised platform. Sort of like sitting on the ground and as comfortable as it sounds.

6:30 p.m. - the waiter finally comes out with waters and menus. Four minutes with a busy little child seems like an eternity. My husband asked the waiter if the place had recently come under new management (we knew that it had at this point, we just wanted some vindication!) He said that the gal that owned it purchased it from a old couple about 2 years ago...approximately the last time my husband had patronized the place. This made complete sense to me. Well, we were already here and I was hungry so we approached the menu with trepidation. My upper lip is starting to sweat.

6:35 p.m. - we ordered (me being frugal) the cheapest entree on the menu and an extra plate for the Prince. I looked around for a sign of air conditioning, but didn't see any.

7:00 p.m. - seriously melting away!! This place was so hot inside that I thought I was going to pass out (okay, I exaggerate slightly for effect). Thankfully the door opened every once in a while and let a small breeze in. I tried to eat as fast as I could, but when you're that hot you just aren't hungry! I pondered the thought process behind the owners decision to build a platform table out of 2.5" particle board (the husband was astonished they would use that thick of wood 'cause apparently it's expensive) rather than installing some sort of air conditioning. I guess Thai food is best eaten in it's original Thailand weather...sweltering!

7:15 p.m. - the waiter asked us if we were interested in any dessert, but I just needed to get the heck out of that place so we gracefully declined and asked for our bill.

7:25 p.m. - my ice water is long gone as well as the ice out of the husband's empty soda. I'm trying desperately to keep the Prince from dropping his toys down the crack between the wall and the table while the husband eavesdrops on the near by table of ladies that have had just a few cocktails (it wasn't difficult!) GETTING ANGRY!

7:30 p.m. - Finally! The waiter brings out our bill and I ask for change.

7:35 p.m. - the waiter brings our change. I can see why this took five minutes because the register was all of about two feet from our table. He's obviously a veteran as I had $30 in change and he brought me a $20 and two $5's...silly boy. Had you brought me some $1's I would have left you at least a decent tip (I wasn't about to leave him a $5 which is exactly what he wanted). As it was I scrounged to find change to leave him 10%...serves him right for making us wait for ever.

7:37 p.m. - we finally escape out the door right as the party that reserved the outdoor seating arrives. Figures.

I must say, the egg rolls were pretty damn good and I'm not a fan of egg rolls, however, I'm never going back there again.

As for Josh's cake, he loved the soft and sweet flavor, but I completely forgot about the ice cream and we ended up eating it for breakfast the next morning. The recipe would make great muffins!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Why Paper?

So a couple weeks ago was the husband and I's first wedding anniversary. I tried and tried to think of something special that we could do to commemorate this lovely event in our lives. I got a few suggestions from friends and family:

You should go to the same place you went on your first date! Well, the husband and I met at a bar where we were both playing sand volleyball. Our first date was mountain biking at Theodore Wirth Park. After that we sort of starting hanging out at each other's apartments, we never really had that "sweep you off your feet" sort of relationship (which is possibly why we've lasted as long as we great expectations to live up to, yeah?) As all three of my loyal readers know I am currently about 6 months pregnant so neither of these were a good option.

You should recreate your wedding meal or visit your wedding site! We got married in my home town in Montana and our wedding meal was an assembly of family recipes and a roasted pig. Great for a crowd, but not so practical to make for two people! Also, driving 920 miles one-way to visit our wedding site was out of the question. We actually were just home in June and we were able to take a ride up to visit the tiny country church we got married in so we already sort of did that.

You could give the traditional 1st wedding anniversary gift of paper. Who comes up with this stuff? Paper, really? I am not sure I've ever requested paper as a gift in my whole life. Some suggestions were plane tickets (too expensive), concert tickets (again, too expensive), a picture (thought about this, but it seemed more of a gift for me than the husband) so we settled for some movie tickets and a dinner at the Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse in downtown. It was actually really fun to be downtown on a Saturday night and Mother Nature gave us a really neat light show to watch as we meandered back to our parking space.
According to the following is for the first five years of anniversaries...
Traditional: Paper
Modern: Clock
I don't know too many people my age that go out and buy clocks or paper (unless it's for your printer).

Traditional: Cotton
Modern: China
How about a nice glob of cotton? I got it free out of the vitamin jar! Now that's frugal!

Traditional: Leather
Modern: Crystal
Finally, something that makes sense! Here is a good excuse to get me a nice leather jacket!

Traditional: Fruit or Flowers
Modern: Appliances
I don't know too many women that would baulk at a nice bouquet of flowers so that makes sense, but appliances? Most girls don't want a vacuum or a toaster as a gift! The only exception here might be a Dyson vacuum 'cause those are more expensive than all the appliances in our kitchen combined! Then again, I would probably be pretty upset that he spent that much money on what is essentially a chore so he loses either way.

Traditional: Wood
Modern: Silverware
Again, if my husband brought home a gift of silverware...he'd probably get a fork in a very uncomfortable place. I guess wood might be a good idea, depending on where your mind is (I'll let this one's a family show!)

So, whoever came up with all of these gift ideas should probably not quit their day job. I think diamonds, a nice dinner, or flowers are always a good direction to go.

This year we had the whole night kid free (except for the kicking in my belly!) and it was really nice to be able to share dinner, a movie, and my feelings and love with my husband.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Husband!

Today is my husband's birthday!
To celebrate, I am making him Pad Thai (by request) and a blueberry gingercake with cinnamon ice cream - neither of which I've made before. I'll let you know how it goes!

Happy Birthday Sweetie!