Monday, June 15, 2009

Hey, Where Have You Been?

Hey folks! I know I haven't posted for a while, but I've been a little busy. The husband and I recently found out that we will be adding a new addition to our family! I'm due at the end of November and I've just recently been able to start the day without my face in the toilet.

Now, I admit that when it comes to nausea I would rather just get it over with and feel better (if not for just a few minutes) than spend all day having that "should I or shouldn't I" feeling about running to the bathroom. I have always had a weak stomach. I remember getting so excited about being in a play in grade school that I worried myself sick (literally) and wasn't even able to be a part of it. However, with all that said, I do not remember having this big of an issue while pregnant with my prince. I do remember some nausea, but it usually went away the second I ate something (which solves the "how did I gain 50 pounds when only 8 came out baby" dilemma I had). This time is completely different, my nurse scolded me for loosing 6 pounds between my first check-up and my second. I wanted to yell, "I can't keep anything down let alone want to eat every 2-3 hours!", but I refrained and just smiled and nodded when she lectured me about not skipping meals and to keep snacks on hand at all times (this doesn't help if you see the snacks about 10 minutes later on the way back out). However, recently my stomach and I have come to an agreement. I will eat one slice of toast with a ton of peanut butter on it prior to 8:00 a.m., but I won't eat anything else until after 10:30 a.m., and my stomach won't pitch and turn while I'm at work. It's a solid system that has been honed for the last 5 weeks.

I've also been plagued with giant headaches, a wonderful UTI, and a huge amount of fatigue. This, and a small amount of intuition, leads me to think that we're having a girl. Plus I think some Karma has been thrown in there for my husband who still thinks if he has a girl she will be boarded up in her room until she's 40. Honestly, I do not care which way it falls. I know, I know every mom says that "as long as it's healthy" crap. While healthy is always the major goal for my family, I would almost have some slight admiration for someone who is willing to admit that they would rather see a fifth appendage than worry about the fetal heart rate...hey, at least they are being honest! I really don't care if it's a boy or a girl. If it's a boy I think that my prince and him will have a wonderful time growing up and playing together. If it's a girl, I will be able to buy frilly dresses and polish her nails. Either way, I'm not too enthusiastic about repeating all of this anytime soon, but I'm sure I'll forget about it in about two years so who knows!
I think my sister said it best once, "post-natel memory loss is God's way of ensuring siblings!"

Despite what I've complained about here I am truly excited to have another little bundle of joy. I think my prince will be a great big brother as long as the baby does whatever he says and doesn't touch his big boy toys! It's always exciting to add to my mom and dad's growing family brood!

1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

Hooray for little baby Whaley!! His/her cousins are excited to meet him/her!