Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fleeting Days of Warmth

Today we are supposed to have a high of 67 degrees! That's darn near 70 and that's the kind of weather that I love. No humidity, nice warm days but cool nights. Unfortunately they are already spreading the S word around here. We had some flurries of s...s...snow on Sunday, but nothing accumulated and that was just fine with me. Saturday was a beautiful day and we decided it was probably the last time we would get out to look at the fall colors. And since the gas prices are seemingly low here for now, we thought it would be fun to drive down to the bluffs along the Mississippi River. The trees there are beautiful, even though we had missed the peak color. It was still a lot of fun. Here is the view from the top of the bluff down into the river valley.
I'm not sure I'm ready for winter. I like being able to walk out the door without 20 minutes of prep. Finding jackets, hats, mittens, and boots is just the tip of the iceberg! First I have to run out and start the car, then wrestle him into his clothes, then find my winter items, then wrestle him into the car seat with all that extra padding, I'm usually sweating before I actually get into the car! I will leave the "driving in the snow" for a later blog, but let's just say I'm not a fan. I'm planning to enjoy these last few days before the ground freezes and the snow flies. Somehow I'll make it through until Spring!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Birthday Barrel of Laughs

So last week was my son's 2nd birthday. I went onto Evite to send out invitations as I hate filling out things by hand and then finding time to go to the post office to mail said things. So email was easier! The only good "theme" I could find for my son's personality and age group was a monkey "barrel of laughs". It was really cute and turned out to be pretty easy to run with. Everyone that replied had a good monkey come-back and since my son likes Curious George it was easy to find a few decorations.

Rather than have traditional party hats we had monkey masks. We ate monkey chow (or puppy chow to others) and banana bread. And I made a monkey cake. Yes, I made it and not to toot my own horn, but it was damn cute! I started with two box cakes and baked them into a two layer cake, and a monster cupcake using a flat bottomed glass bowl, plus there was some left over for normal cupcakes to munch on while decorating! I let the cakes cool overnight. I cut the rounded top off the massive cupcake and used that as the nose/mouth area.
Then I used the bottom of the cupcake (cut in half) for the ears. Here's the result!

I was a little nervous about hacking into a monkey head (though monkey's brains are a delicacy in Cantonese cuisine) I thought my son may have a little fit. Of course he really just wanted the cake and didn't care that I was chopping up my masterpeice. I was glad I re-thought using red velvet cake (my personal favorite) and went with the traditional chocolate. My son loved it, he now calls all cakes monkey and wants to sing Happy Birthday and blow out any candle even if it's a scented candle on the table! I think its great. I can't wait to do his next birthday cake!

Monday, October 13, 2008

High Risk??

Since when did daily routines become so "high risk"?

It seems in these tough times that everything is a gamble. For instance, gas prices are so volatile that if an ant sneezes in Uzbekistan gas sky rockets to $3.50, but if a butterfly flaps its wings in Kirghistan, the price plummets to $2.65. It literally is a guessing game as to when is the best time to fill up your car. You could either feel great about getting such a wonderful deal, or spend time smashing your head against the steering wheel because you just paid $.30 more.

My most recent purchase in our wonderful economy as it stands today were two airplane tickets. I've been mulling over what the best deal would be for the last couple weeks. My dilemma is to buy now when I know the price is seemingly low, or wait to see if NWA will have a sale, thus risking the chance they won't and end up paying $600 per ticket. I felt like I was on Deal or No Deal.

"I'll take case number 13, Howie!"

I ended up shelling the money out now in hopes that I've made the right choice (I've always been a little conservative). Unfortunately I don't get to see if I made a great deal "after these few messages"...I have to wait a few months! Knowing my "luck" there will be some huge energy breakthrough in the next month that will make jet fuel cost a penny a barrel and I'll look like a fool for paying so much for my tickets. I feel like there is some huge website out there that tells people exactly where to buy what at any given time. If you all are keeping this from me as a joke it's not funny! I honestly feel like I have to be some sort of detective super sleuth to find a good deal anymore.

All right, I guess I'll keep you posted (HA, no pun intended...get it because you do posts on a blog...okay, not so funny when I have to explain it!) I'm willing to bet that in this day there won't be too many deals to be had. I looks like Howie has a corner on that market!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are we really wireless??

Everyone keeps saying that we are a "wireless" society now. I'm sorry, but now that I have a few of the newer tech-y gadgets, I have more wires to keep track of than I ever did before!!

Why do people think we are "wireless"??

Merriam Webster's Dictionary has the meaning of "wireless" stating "having no wire or wires." Hmm. I am pretty sure that I would disagree (especially when I'm hunting for the right cord to plug in my phone!)...let's take a look shall we?

  1. Cable for plugging it into the wall to charge.

  2. Cable for plugging it into the car to charge.

  3. Cable for transferring info and documents to my computer.

  4. Cable for plugging it in and transferring info at the same time. (why is this a seperate cord?)


  1. Cable for plugging it in to charge.

  2. Cable for plugging it in to the TV to see the pictures.

  3. Cable for plugging it into the computer to download pictures.


  1. Cable for plugging it into the wall to charge.

  2. Cable for plugging it into the printer.

  3. Cable for plugging it into the moniter.

  4. Cable for plugging in my external drive

To me, this sounds like the more technologically savvy you are, the more wires and cables you must keep in order! I like to use a plastic shoe organizer. You know, the ones that hang over a door? They are see through, perfect for all those cords to have their own little place and not get all tangled (here Russ, there's a little knot in these Christmas lights!)

So, the next time you hear someone say "oh, it's wireless" just know that there's no such thing as a free lunch, and there's no such thing as wireless!!