Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Fever!!

Okay, so I have to admit that I have been having spring fever for the last couple days. From inside, the weather looks wonderful! However, in the morning when you walk outside it's still 32 degrees (that is still the temperature at which water freezes!) It's supposed to hit about 60 degrees this weekend, but I'll believe it when I see it.
I must say, I'm not always a huge fan of Spring. Ever since my son was born, I've had horrible allergies! Usually the spring allergies aren't too bad, whatever blooms in the fall is what really gets my water-works going. There are wonderful things about Spring however...yep here comes another list!
  • Easter. This is always a great holiday and it's usually a surprise as to whether you will get snow or sun. This year looks like sun!!
  • Tulips. My favorite flower! These wonderful creations bloom every spring. Unfortunately I have not lived in one location long enough to make it worth my while to plant these myself, but I do enjoy everyone else's beautiful flowers!
  • Bon Fires. Bon Fires are the best when it's just a little chilly out. During the summer it usually stays too warm in the evening to enjoy one of these, which makes Spring the perfect time of year to stoke up the fire!
  • Babies. All animals alike are having babies this time of year. My sister not excluded! My nephew was born in March and it appears as though he fits right in like he's always been here!
  • Thunderstorms. I love the excitement of a good thunderstorm. I've enjoyed them slightly less since I moved to the upper mid-west where tornadoes are prevalent, but I still get a kick out of a solid crack of thunder and a flash of lightening!
  • Green Grass. I always marvel at the changing colors here during each season. Spring is spectacular since the Twin Cities transforms into the Emerald City! Every piece of grass glows greener during the spring and everywhere you turn it looks amazing.

It took awhile, but it appears as though Spring has finally sprung here in my frigid state. The mornings will take awhile to get warm, but eventually I will be complaining about mosquitoes and humidity!! Happy Spring to All!